Tiziana Cacciamani

Tiziana Cacciamani

Senior Researcher

email: t.cacciamani@univpm.it

Tiziana is a senior researcher at UNIVPM (Polytechnic University of Marche). She completed her studies at the University of Camerino (MC), and she earned her Ph.D in Cellular and Molecular Biology at UNIVPM.
Has strong experience in recombinant protein production and characterization in different cells.
Currently the aim of her project is to evaluate the specific interaction of FMRP domains and proteins involved in translation repression.
Single or combined domains of FRMP protein with different TAGs inserted in the N-ter or C-ter positions are produced in E.coli and the interacting proteins are obtained from HEK293-T cell lysate.
Specific interactions are tested by Pull-down and Western-blot assays with selected panels of antibodies.