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3 selected Talks @Biphyscal Annual Meeting 2024

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Lorem Ipsum

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Lab Members

Daniele Di Marino

Prof. Daniele Di Marino

Anna La teana


Researcher, PH.D. in Molecular biologist with multiple and versatile skills and experience in neurobiology, with particular focus on mRNA translation, protein-protein interactions, peptides and drug design. Application of molecular biology expertise in tailoring bioreceptors for biosensing applications, particularly in the development of GFET biosensors. Special expertise in recombinants proteins purification and characterization from different systems and manipulation of cancer cell lines. Her current research involves the development and characterization of a peptidomimetic eIF4E-inhibitor for targeted interventions in lung cancer and Fragile X-syndrome.

Tiziana Cacciamani

Senior Researcher, Ph.D. in Cellular and Molecular Biology with strong experience in recombinant protein production and characterization in different cells.
The aim of my project is to evaluate specific interaction of FMRP domains and the proteins involved in the repression of translation. The single or combined domains of FRMP protein with different TAG inserted at N-ter or C-ter positions are produced in E.coli and the interacting proteins are obtained from HEK293-T cells lysate. The specific interactions are tested by Pull-down assay and Western-blot with a selected panels of antibodies.

jesmina rexha

Ph.D. student in Molecular biologist with experience in genetic engineering, recombinant protein production and characterization, from different expression system. Experience in the field of nanotechnology, specifically in graphene-based biosensors. Proficient in bridging the gap between molecular biology and nanotechnology by developing innovative biosensing platforms that combine molecular recognition elements with nanomaterials, particularly graphene, for enhanced sensitivity and specificity. Her research project focuses the development of a graphene biosensor with the aim of detecting exosomes from liquid biopsies for the early diagnosis of ovarian cancer.

nunzio perta

Ph.D student in biomolecular sciences, displaying a keen interest in studying the dynamic behavior of proteins through computer simulations. Nunzio dedicates his time to writing codes, engaging in constant learning, and designing new molecules with nanotechnology applications. Nunzio’s skills encompass proficiency in GROMACS, HADDOCK, VMD, ChimeraX, BLENDER, and expertise in the R and Python programming languages. His current project focuses on enhancing graphene field-effect transistor (gFET) biosensors with DNA-mediated protein orientation.

greta bianchini

MSc graduate in Applied Molecular Biology with expertise in bacterial and eukaryotic cell cultures, in vitro transcription, translation and recombinant cell production. Her thesis centered on inhibiting deoxyhypusinated eIF5A formation, an event often associated with oncogenesis, using synthetic DHS enzyme inhibitors. In February 2024, she secured a fellowship for research at the Department of Life and Environmental Sciences at the Polytechnic University of Marche. Her current research focuses on developing and characterizing inhibitors for the mRNA translation process.

gloria venturini

Second-year Ph.D student at the Polytechnic University of Marche. My Master’s degree is in Molecular Biology. I have gained experience working with mammalian cell cultures and developed an interest in cloning and transfection techniques and the study of protein-protein interactions. My research focuses on Fragile X syndrome, which is associated with the absence of a specific protein called FMRP (Fragile X Messenger Ribonucleoprotein1). Currently, I am learning how to work with hippocampal cultures, with the aim of using fmr1K.O. cultures to understand the role of FMRP domains.

noemi borgognoni

PhD student with experience in the field of molecular and cellular biology. My expertise includes molecular biology techniques such as cloning, recombinant DNA manipulation, and in vitro transcription. I have skills in producing recombinant proteins, particularly in bacterial systems like E. coli. Currently, my research focuses on the structural and functional analysis of the human RNA helicase DDX3X. I’m investigating how specific mutations impact its catalytic cycle, leading to the development of DDX3X syndrome, which is associated with various neurological deficits.


NY High school

Ut tincidunt, ex nec faucibus facilisis, leo urna ultricies libero, sit amet fringilla nunc dolor sit amet nunc.

Arts & Design University

Ut tincidunt, ex nec faucibus facilisis, leo urna ultricies libero, sit amet fringilla nunc dolor sit amet nunc.

UX course

Ut tincidunt, ex nec faucibus facilisis, leo urna ultricies libero, sit amet fringilla nunc dolor sit amet nunc.

Illustrations & stories

Ut tincidunt, ex nec faucibus facilisis, leo urna ultricies libero, sit amet fringilla nunc dolor sit amet nunc.

User Interface Lvl.2

Ut tincidunt, ex nec faucibus facilisis, leo urna ultricies libero, sit amet fringilla nunc dolor sit amet nunc.

App design

Ut tincidunt, ex nec faucibus facilisis, leo urna ultricies libero, sit amet fringilla nunc dolor sit amet nunc.


Translational takedown: CYFIP1-based peptidomimetic against cancer andHydroxytyrosol Counteracts Triple Negative Breast Cancer Cell Dissemination via Its Copper Complexing Properties fragile X Syndrome
Structural basis of dimerization of chemokine receptors CCR5 and CXCR4
Unlocking the Potential of Field Effect Transistor (FET) Biosensors: A Perspective on Methodological Advances in Computational and Molecular Biology


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3 selected Talks @Biphyscal Annual Meeting 2024

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim[…]

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim[…]

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim[…]


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc porttitor enim mi, at commodo sem ornare non. Nulla viverra quam magna, id tincidunt orci eleifend a. Ut justo massa, sollicitudin in eros non, tincidunt ornare velit.

Ut in malesuada felis. Pellentesque vel imperdiet tellus imperdiet egestas nunc quis ultricies interdum.

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